This sacrament is often called “The door of the Church”. It is the first of the seven sacraments and it is the one that welcomes you into the Church. Baptism is the first step of your child’s journey to God. Your faith is essential for the steps which your child will take on this journey through life. You will be promising to bring up your baby knowing God as a loving Father. You will need the parish family to help you with this. That is why we, in St Peter’s Parish, try to show the link with the parish, and the rest of the Church, before, during and after baptism.
Date and Time of Baptism
Please enroll for baptism with the Parish Office – a months notice is required, as the demands of Data Protection legislation require strict verification of information which will be stored in Church Registers.
You can download an application form here Baptism Application Form 2021
The normal sequence of preparation and celebration is as follows:
Preparation Meeting
You will be invited to attend a preparation meeting ten days before the Sunday chosen for the Baptism, at 6.30pm in the parish centre. The meeting is informal and aims to provide parents and godparents (if they are able to attend) with a greater understanding of the sacrament of baptism; it is also a good way to meet other parents in the parish. We would ask both parents to attend and we would ask that if possible children and babies are not brought to the meeting. The preparation meeting lasts approximately one hour.
Choose your baby’s godparents with care. They must share your faith and be at least 16 years old. They should be living near enough to get to know your baby. They will be undertaking to share with you the responsibility of handing on the faith to the child as he/she will grow up. A distant cousin in Australia would not, then, be the best choice!
An offering of €50.00 is requested for Baptism and can be paid online: https://platform.payzone.ie/customer/10002/product-list/details/9413
Completed forms should be returned along with your offering to the Parish Office (in person, by email: info@stpetersphibsboro.ie or by post, address below) no later than one month in advance of the proposed date of baptism. Your registration will be confirmed in writing.
Living outside the Parish of Phibsborough
If you reside outside the Parish of St Peter’s, Phibsborough you are requested to provide a letter from the Parish Priest of the Parish of residence stating that you are free to have your child Baptised in our Parish.
Baptismal Register
After the baptism, the priest will add your child’s name and details to the baptismal register. Your child will then be able to receive a signed baptismal certificate. Please note that all details given will be treated with confidence.
If you would like more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us by phone or e-mail.
More Information
Baptisms take place on the fourth Sunday of the month at 12.30pm. A period of baptism preparation is provided.
To request a Baptismal Certificate please download the request form here Baptismal Cert Request Form
For enquires about Adult Baptism preparation – contact Fr Eamon Devlin through the parish office +353 1 838 9708 or info@stpetersphibsboro.ie
For more information on baptism there are many good resources available at Veritas or other religious bookshops.