St Peter's Church


Preparing for 1st Holy Communion

Registration form

Step 1 of 6

O Jesus,
present in the Eucharist,
be with our
whole family

as we begin this journey with our child.
May all of us grow
in Faith in this time,

and come to a greater
appreciation of
your presence with us.


Kevin Mullally, Bradog Cluster

Registering your child for 1st Holy Communion is an important moment for the whole family, and our prayers are with you on this important journey. Many aspects of the perpetration will have changed from when you made your own communion, and if you have come from another country, some of the Irish customs may also seem unfamiliar. Here at St. Peter’s we will be with you every step of the way and together we will make this a special time for the whole family.

The first step is is prayer, and then registration

In order to complete the registration form, you will need to:

  • have discussed within your family that you are bringing your child forward for their First Communion and to have considered the implications of this from a religious perspective.
  • know the date and place of Baptism of the child you are registering.

The preparation programme begins with an information meeting which takes place in late October. All who have registered are informed of these once the dates, times and locations are scheduled.

God bless

Mr Kevin Mullally,
Parish Pastoral Worker, Sacramental Co-ordinator